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16256 Views Created 12 years ago By Silver Chariot • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Silver Chariot • Updated 5 years ago

Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)03:57 No.120544622 nymous 12/14/11(Wed)03:02 No. 120539518! 323849722 ipg-(41 KB, 790x520, 1267471226472.jpg) Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)03:19 No.120541084 0 File 1323850781.jpg-(61 KB, 471x320, 1267566267032.jpg) (1.65 MB, 1920x1200, 1272239794220.jpg) >mfw there is only one gregor at any given time in all of online gaming >Gregor has joined the game re >knows exactly what to do >knows exactly what you want and where he needs to be regardless >playing demon's s 1-4 bridge right where Ostrava black phantom appears >gregor is the highlander of vidya if you tell him or THERE CAN ONLY BE OOooooooONE >stands on the other side of the bridge, bows politely, draws his simple sword SUDDENLY EPIC BATTLE THEME STARTS PLAYING OUT OF NOWHERE >we clash on the bridge and our battle wages for half an hour, finally Gregor operpowers me get to enemy base, thinking you're the first one there has the f------ flag ymous 12/14/11(Wed)03:07 No.120540057 run like a coward >see Gregor flank the tank tank gets distracted going in for the kill with C4s About to put the first C4 it blows the f--- up > Gregor walk towards me in a fiery blaze behind him does not say a single word and throws down the pit >mfw I fall down (19 KB, 104x178, 1269132660313.jpg) Gregor, you're s try to send gregor a friend request >"you're really good, man. we should do that >he never accepts or replies >it's completely blank MONDOCOOL that feel when that feel when you quit because you know the next match won't even be close to as fun as your time with n you just finished a match with r and he leaves Grey Wolf Sif IDIReMoGErg 12/14/11(Wed)03:17 No. 120540934 0 3850671jpg-(46 KB, 267x298, 1318925184859.jpg) ames A silent guardian, a vigilant protector Okay Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)03:33 No.120542367 File 1323851629 jpg(100 KB, 640x480, 1269132870372 jpg >see person say thanks/gg to Gregor >Playing BF3 >On an overpass with the M60, bi-pod mounted and ready to provide suppressive fire >A friendly squad moving in formation is about to cross the a corner >Gregor odemons souls with gregor as my ue om >he gives no response despite being helpful as f--- all match >person gets pissy, takes no response as an insult, and calls him an ass I know you'll never speak to me ts towards the fog at the end of the hallway There's a LAV on the other side switch teams and just hunt down that m----------- for the rest of the next match for his honor >he stays behind and duels the phantom black phantom has been slain jump down from the overpass and flank the LAV >Plant it with C4 Just as it sees the friendly squad, I detonate it But that doesn't mean Ill □ Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)04:06 No.1205453990 my experience with gergor saved them. >They don't even know it This is what it mist fool like to ha Grannr File 1323853587 jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, JackieChan.jpg) gregor has been backing you up all game >gregor accompanies me f------ everywhere sits in the passenger seat, using a repair tool on the side shot with rockets atleast 10 times and still flying over your shoulder canal map bf3 >flying little bird, tearing s--- up gregor is my passenger, repairing me as I take light damage from time to time >other players don't understand gregor and talk s--- to "well I guess he had other things he had to do...!l was probably slowing him down anyways >storm the ba im he doesn't reply >doesn't hunt them down or hold grudges they try to take him out all game se, enemies everywhere >spawn on gregor as he flies around the map without saying a word, gregor switches to passenger seat while in midair >flies back to me >gregor rolls up in a f------ tank gregor effortlessly shuts them down just like everyone else on the other team proceeds to passenger seat with repair tool CONNECTION TO EA ONLINE HAS BEEN LOST MAH GREGOR >ctf_doublecross >Cap count is set to 10 >Gregor has >Proceeds to cap the flag 10 times in under 6 minutes My medic is gregor >Tops the scoreboards as a Medic myfuckingnigger ping M&BW multiplayer Peninsula, Russian Team >defending a castle in siege horde of warriors charge up the ramps and start slaughtering us >get pushed further and further back all of my fellow warriors are dead, shield is beginning to shatter under the enemy's blows me Capping B by myself coming from one side, proceed to gun them down >Just as I finish them off get grabbed from behind, getting knifecd >Before he finishes me off a burst of fire rips through his head and kills the attacker while >Under heavy fire >Gregor has left the game stops heali no more pressure on me >"What are you doing gregor im going to DIE >Gregor is slaughtering the attackers, and making them pull back leaving me >Turn around and see friendly support gunner who then proceeds to leave me an ammo box >he fights as a one man army, killing them by the dozen eventually they're back at the ramp again, unable to ascend due to Gregor In thank him before he runs off across the map >To Gregor >Proceeds to heal me every game, there will always be a Gregor that gregor man
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