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626 Views Created 11 months ago By Soup King • Updated 11 months ago

Created By Soup King • Updated 11 months ago

1404415108376.jpg (337 KB, 2000x1000) ay >In some Indian states, cow dung and urine are sold in regular dairy shops alongside milk and yogurt, and "ayurvedic" Indian health food companies make porridge, toothpaste and tonic drinks which claim to cure ailments ranging from liver complaints to diabetes and cancer. >The urine is also believed to have disinfectant properties while the dung is used in many Indian village huts as a clean and antiseptic flooring. >Now, the RSS's Cow Protection Department has invented a new urine-based soft drink it hopes will promote its health-giving properties to a wider market. "We refer to gau ark (cow urine) as gau jal (cow water) as it has immense potential to cure various diseases. We have developed a soft drink formula with gau jal as the base and it has been sent to a laboratory at Lucknow for testing," said director Om Prakash. Anonymous (ID: 9z0E4ikH) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:15:00 No.52020465 >>52020627 >>52020712 File: h86e3nS.png (198 KB, 520x388) India makes cola from cow urine Anonymous (ID: CVvqs2jH) 09/18/15(Fri)17:47:54 No.52018551 ► >>52019921 >>52020004 >>52020052 >>52020072 >>52020077 >>52020184 >>52020208 >>52020269 >>52020294 >>52020412 >>52020418 >>52020539 >>52020818 >>52021069 >>52021527 >>52021590 >>52021886 >>52022159 >>52023819 >>52024663 >>52024899 >>52029731 >>52029950 >>52033389 >>52035911 >>52036685 >>52042630 >>52044239 >>52020332 >implying theres anything safe in india to eat or drink >Hindus worship cows for their life-sustaining dairy products, but many also consume bovine urine and faeces in drinks and spice mixes for their "health-giving" properties. I wonder how much people will pay for imported clean water/cola and food. Anonymous (ID: VvtEZUUw) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:17:33 No.52020627 >>52020759 >>52020766 >>52022352 >>52042239 File: 1439757997962.jpg (202 KB, 640x483) पार्ट >>52020465 Why import? when we can have fine Indian cuisine! Anonymous (ID: 9zoE4ikH) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:19:44 No.52020759 >>52021018 >>52020627 are those turd donuts? Anonymous (ID: (VvtEZuUw) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:19:48 No.52020766 >>52022522 File: 1439758115119.jpg (76 KB, 640x587) >>52020627 >you would think they'd use the nice and raw milk >no >success comes from behind Anonymous (ID: 30Xuff9r) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:48:42 No.52022522 >>52022633 >>52022655 >>52022668 >>52022727 >>52022758 >>52022793 >>52022832 >>52022892 >>52022939 >>52023060 >>52023116 >>52023131 >>52023328 >>52023335 >>52024579 >>52024768 >>52024799 >>52024883 >>52025338 >>52025707 >>52025739 >>52025867 >>52026024 >>52026058 >>52029127 >>52029385 >>52030188 >>52030660 >>52032108 >>52032429 >>52032488 >>52032591 >>52033294 >>52033297 >>52033452 >>52034827 >>52036397 >>52037104 >>52037415 >>52037532 >>52040250 >>52042630 >>52043712 >>52044055 >>52044346 >>52044794 >>52020766 to be fair the cows are fed special food to create the dung which is purchased, it is not normal ok? its not just normal poop Anonymous (ID: (pHrp01s)) > be me, rajeesha kunar patel raj puprani > wake up in morning, pray to cow god > eat breakfast of fecal brand fecal yogurt, with milk > brush teeth with poopsident brand toothpaste, wash mouth with pisterine > go to work at my job, I am dung processor > stop by my favorite s------- field before I get there >thank krishna, feel much better afterward 09/18/15(Fri) 18:52:19 No.52022741 >>52022843 >>52022879 >>52023020 >>52027351 >>52029385 >>52035522 >>52043813 > during lunch break enjoy poo-ridge, and a coca cowla > works over, stop by store to grab some Pisskey > get drunk and pass out with thoughts of holy cows > just another day in the life of a shitskin >>52022522 White savages won't understand bhai. Good morning. Anonymous (ID: EtcLsY+z) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:53:49 No.52022832 >>52025707 >>52029385 >>52030660 >>52038638 >>52044123 talk about. Anonymous (ID: Bx2pkNnN) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:58:27 No.52023122 >>52025216 cow worship was a huge f------ mistake i don't think the founders of hinduism would want their children to eat cow s--- because it's holy Anonymous (ID: pYlvCoKF) 09/18/15(Fri) 18:58:33 No.52023131 >>52023544 >>52022522 >>52022832 >Indians literally defending poo >>52023131 you dont even know the flavor so maybe shutup awhile Anonymous (ID: (/t6u+nyQ) 09/18/15(Fri) 19:08:15 No.52023728 ► >>52023544 >you dont even know the flavor so maybe shutup awhile >you dont even know the flavor >the flavor Anonymous (ID: 30Xuff9r) 09/18/15(Fri)19:05:33 No.52023544 >>52023679 >>52023728 >>52023751 >>52023824 >>52023875 >>52023916 >>52023946 >>52024070 >>52024290 >>52024365 >>52024455 >>52024915 >>52025154 >>52025338 >>52025509 >>52025707 >>52025867 >>52029385 >>52030133 >>52030212 >>52035833 >>52036208 >>52037532 this post is why these thread are always gold >>52023544 Ghee+Cow urine= best combination s--- eating grin, indians have no shame Anonymous (ID: EtcLsY+z) 09/18/15(Fri)19:17:20 No.52024290 >>52024488 >>52024527 >>52024544 >>52024793 >>52025707 >>52025867 >>52027740 >>52029385 >>52037532 >>52024365 im sorry nothing is holy to you >>52023060 >>52023077 >>52023131 >>52023208 >>52023466 >>52024799 >>52024926 Anonymous (ID: NAa6e0d1) 09/18/15 (Fri) 19:19:00 No.52024365 >>52024691 >>52023544 >Rajesh literally defending eating and drinking s--- and piss My f------ sides. Pajeet1 >>52022522 Anonymous (ID: h9Pw0Hyy) 09/18/15(Fri)19:47:32 No.52026058 ► File: the joker_laughing_wallpa(...).jpg (74 KB, 1024x768) Anonymous (ID: 30Xuff9r) 09/18/15 (Fri)19:24:31 No.52024691 >>52024762 >>52024959 >>52025002 >>52025262 >>52025306 >>52025867 >>52025906 >>52029385 >>52037532 Pajeet2 India. Every time.
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I apologise to any Indians in the audience if this is a gross exaggeration of life over there, but it is really fucking funny at the same time.

Also, I'll be making a screen cap of this thread once it's finished as the powers that be in India have decided to remove the science from the science lessons being taught in school for no other reason than because they can.

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