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774 Views Created about a year ago By GHOSTLYkazoo • Updated about a year ago

Created By GHOSTLYkazoo • Updated about a year ago

Intro+Addressing Rumors Statements and Allegations -None of her VODs were privated by her decision. She did not believe in hiding her mistakes in this way, and always wished to own up to them. (Thus, this document's purpose.) Regarding the harassment and doxxing Zaion has received. She has been doxxed down to a home address, name and face by those expressing malicious intent. This happened right after her indefinite suspension on February 9th was announced, and NIJISANJI did not communicate that it would take action against the doxxers. (There is substantial video and written proof of threats including death and SWATTing, however links will be omitted for legal reasons.) In December of 2022, NIJISANJI released a statement declaring their efforts against doxxing and harassment. Despite that announcement, NIJISANJI did not inform Zaion that it would be taking action against the spread of personal identifying information, defamatory misinformation, and daily harassment towards Zaion while she was suspended as an active liver. "Using a copyrighted song in her stream without prior authorization." The vague usage of copyright infringement claimed here by NIJISANJI is actually referring to December 18th, 2022, when Zaion chose to play the first cover song release of one of her genmates on stream to support them by showing her own fanbase. Anonymous 05/06/23(Sat)12:43:31 No.48820959 ✓ >Management clapped her for "copyright infringement" because she played a genmate's cover on her stream Ain't no f------ way Off to a great start with this doc Regarding any offensive remarks involving discrimination, no serious remarks were ever made towards any specific people or culture. There is one instance in Zaion's second ever livestream on December 11th, where a viewer jokingly asked her if they could use the term "Zionists" as a fan name for her community. She clearly stated "I don't think we can do that" in response, knowing full well that it was not her place to use such a term. Unfortunately, NIJISANJI characterized Zaion's nervous laughter when addressing this viewer's comment as "remarks mocking political or religious beliefs" in her termination letter, even though this was not the case. "Comments that can be considered offensive to the rights holder of a game during a stream." This is referring to the stream where Zaion was playing UNO. Ubisoft's multiple user interfaces results in it being incredibly difficult to change a username, so she criticized the game for not being user friendly. " *Falsely claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream." The Cats Organized Neatly stream that was done by Zaion had a running gag where she commissioned an artist to make her an asset of a bag of nuts labeled "Dee's Nuts". Many jokes were made over the stream including: "Oh boy, I really love Dee's nuts," "Yeah I've been supporting Dee's Nuts for a long time now," etc. and, in actuality, she was not sponsored by the pre-existing Dee's Nuts brand that, was not known to her, existed when the asset was created. "Falsely claiming to be sponsored" is wrong because "deez nuts" is not a brand. «Б DEEZNUTS 15/3/4~ >This image makes niji corporate seethe Zaion's Personal Experience → August Interview: Asked about my current monthly income. He asked how much I used to make at my tech job. I thought, well, if they're gonna ask questions like that, then I'll ask one that I wasn't sure if I could ask. And I asked: "Do you guys have a monthly salary or minimum per month that you pay to your talents?" That interviewer answered, "No, but I can tell you that if you sign under us that you'll make more than you're making right now." I'll never forget that. But at the time the compensation structure was not discussed. Anonymous 05/06/23(Sat)14:04:17 No.48827333✓ >>48827421 >>48827559 >>48827603 >>48827800 >>48828089 >>48829216 >>48831488 >>48832034 >>48833721 >>48834300 >>48836514 >>48837739 >>48841952 >>48843474 >pay for your debut? >a salary?! >HAHAHAHA >...wait, you're serious? Anonymous 05/06/23(Sat)14:05:44 No.48827421 >>48827516 >>48828309 9A1C48BB-5F7F-4561-8E49-5().jpg (100 KB, 1919x1079) google yandex iqdb wait 頭 がか L >>48827333 (OP) >you'll make more than what you make before joining here now that was a f------ lie Imao → October Prep: Debut song asked to be fully recorded before even hearing genmate's voices. ❖ November Debut Planning: Organizing and managing. BLACKCOMPANY.png (46 KB, 1007x177) google yandex iqdb wait I personally incurred the cost of planning a successful debut. Our lore was written by ourselves. I had to find people who had the skill sets needed for the graphics and animations myself, and pay for them myself. By the time we debuted, I was already hugely in the red, in order to plan and execute a debut befitting of a talent of such a big company. >didn't even help pay for the debut Imao ◆ December: Given a manager who was a 2-week-old hire. The manager they assigned to manage our whole generation of 6, was someone who was a 2 week old hire. All I experienced was the expectation to bow your head down and not to question the system. → Debut Week 1: First Private Vod: Genshin PL Account So, I moved onto my other game accounts, such as Alchemy Stars and Guardian Tales. Because I had been sponsored by those game's companies twice each, I greatly enjoyed working with them and we had a great working 18 relationship. I relayed this to my managers, and they said because those accounts were sponsored at any time their existence, I could not use them here. I felt like I was being punished for my past success. Prior to hearing this, I was under the impression that NIJISANJI would be happy to have someone who had been on good terms with several other companies. whom they also worked with. Funnily enough, one of those Alchemy Stars sponsorship events was WITH two of their own EN talents who were now my senpais. This is pretty funny. She was told she could use her Genshin account from before she debuted, then suddenly she couldn't because she was in the Genshin content creator program, while other nijis also used old accounts. Also this. Just... why? → Debut Week 2: Reaching out for help in DMs to Managers and being suspended for it. >Debut Week 2: Reaching out for help in DMs to Managers and being suspended for it. >At this point I had messed up in several ways, including playing my genmate's cover without realizing I couldn't, showing a stranger's face in a Twitter post on my stream by accident, etc. I was having a hard time not messing up, and I felt horrible about it. I suffer from clinical depression, and have been going a little while without meds at this point. At this point, I felt incredibly trapped, I felt like I couldn't fit in, and my content wasn't welcome (all my hard-work on gacha games from the perspective of an experienced/dedicated player); I felt like I was a failure. >So I reached out to the two people who had onboarded us at the start. They were not our direct managers, but they were people who I trusted and felt comfortable with. I DMed them stating how bad I felt that I kept making mistakes, that I didn't know what to do (in order to continue being creative but not infringing on one rule or another). I DMed them saying I was sad, asking if there was anything that could be done about my Genshin account, and saying that overall I just felt uncomfortable. >And one of them responded. The person who trained us was someone I loved a lot, and it seemed like everyone did. She was kind enough to have a voice call with me, and talk through my feelings and issues, and even offered to try to fight for the Genshin account issue. That was enough for me. I knew that it was a difficult thing with a company that big, and I didn't have any expectations past her just trying. I was incredibly grateful that I just had someone in the staff that I could speak to. >But we would never speak like that again. In a call between my manager and their manager, I was told of my New Years suspension, and that DMing a manager was one of the reasons I was being suspended. I felt hurt and shocked; even my genmates had said they'd DMed managers before. I hadn't said anything that would hurt anyone or was a secret. But that was that. This bit feels so f------ surreal but it matches up with the time line perfectly. I already was falling out of NijiEN for a while but this just seals the deal. Anonymous 05/06/23(Sat)12:52:06 No.48821679 ✓ >suspended for DMing a manager over new years holiday Damn what a black company → New Years Suspension: Dec. 31st-Jan. 9th Finally, he acquiesced. At the end of the call, my manager's manager asked me what I'm going to tell my fans. This was asked in a manner that made me feel pressured to say, "Oh, I'm...just going to say that my family asked me to come on a last minute holiday trip." Because of what happened with a prior graduation in the company, I had already been told by my senpais that oftentimes suspensions would be disguised as "breaks" by the talents. Now, I understand why. ◆ Trying to Lay Low Upon returning I turned down the creative ideas a notch, in an attempt to reduce the risk of breaking any more rules. I only streamed games because I knew which had confirmed permissions for sure. No "Just Chatting" or creative streams, at least for a while. That was the plan and I stuck to it. → T/W: Pet death. February 7th: Haku's Death+Ending. I had been taking care of my cat, Haku, who had been suffering from liver disease for a month. He passed away the day after my indefinite suspension began. I did not feel supported by my manager when I shared this information. The subsequent distress was compounded by the fact that staff had locked me out of all of my accounts. Forced to sit in all of this alone, this would be one of the most difficult times of my life.


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