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File: 12253154271凶464 KB 900x768. unneharpoon.jpg) Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)172347 No.93771635 Hey /b this is a story I can't not share here A few days ago lwas at a comic convention, and i saw a guy dressed as supeman in a wheelchair. after 6 shots i couldnt resist the urge. I walked up to him and said "omg thats the best christopher reeves costume ive ever seen!" this kid raged so hard he pushed himself out of his wheelc hair and attempted to tackle me. which failed horribly as he ended up on the ground in front of my feet FROZEN URINE HARPOON I laughed harder than i ever have in my entire life, which was bad bec ause i started choking on my gum, a friend of mine rushed up and started giving me the heimlich maneuver which removed the gum as well as the contents of my stomach so there i stood puking onto this cripple dressed as supeman, and i will always remember it as the best night of my life, and my friends now only refer to me as kryptonite
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