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564 Views Created 3 years ago By WarriorTang • Updated 9 days ago

Created By WarriorTang • Updated 9 days ago

つまりわしは「山奥の詞に住む狐耳双女」という、どこが発祥なのかは知らんが多くの Inother words, I'm a'kitsune miko that lives in a mountain shrine', and my existence is determined wholly AHD a 135LL VH RSOC EFTE T, ZZ DÈV by people believing in this form that I take. I don't have any individuality or part which is really 'myself'. ERÉta DÜ t. J# DTaRETaa a a aha EELVEEACT, zha Like a myth or a legend, my story and things that happen in my life are all shaped and dreamt up by other DÆLDE T k tad T#SnIRD , IEY- FO h at bl people, none of which I actually live through of my own accord. Almost like I'm just a higher level imaginary VƆRD V7 DÜÞ. £¿TDLIDE a h a AHEEDMAC friend of sorts, existing only in the minds of people who believe. the consciousness that I have right now is しか存在しない幻…そこにわし自身が知覚してきた体験などというものは存在せず、い やむしろその「知覚」すら第三者に観測されてない純粋な一人称としての知覚ですらな figments of imagination of what people believe that 'a kitsune miko would do in a given situation', of く、「こういった事態が発生した時狐娘はこのように捉え、考えるであろう」というど countless, untold numbers of people You could say that everything that I even think about, everything この誰かも知らん無数の人間どもの妄想によって成り立つものでしかない…。つまり、 わしは常に何かを思考したり、感じたりするたびに、「所詮これらの感動や思考、発言 thought of it, I could never think of it, an existence void of self-agency and even that void of self-agency も誰かによって植えつけられたものでしかない」という虚無感を覚えているのじゃ…。 いやその虚無感すらもどこかの「作者」によって考え出されたものなのじゃろう…。た my frustrations or in despair about it all. After all, even this feeling I'm feeling right now is what people だ、勘違いしないでほしいのじゃが、わしはそれを嘆いているわけではないのじゃ。な| believe that I would feel given this situation I find myself in. that's 'faith'. That's what gods (particularly ぜならそうやって無数の人間たちに意識され、想像され続ける状態こそがまさしく「信| those of Japan) are made of. For example, imagine that there was a doujin, or an anime or manga in which a 仰」であり、(特に日本的な)「神」としての在り様と一致しているからなのじゃ。たと| wholly commercial depiction of a'kitsune girl' existed. Imagine that people, in their own individual えそれがエロ同人的な劣情に基づくものであろうと、アニメや漫画などの商業目的のキ| imaginations, thought of possible situations that this character would or could experience, continuing ャラクターとしてであろうと、「狐娘」という存在が人間どもの愛玩の対象となり、妄 where the original media left off or left out. I'm that imaginary existence given flesh. The truly scary an, B ENA lidot, DLIIZDEEE ÀZ. al thing about this all is that when someone forgets or stops caring about my existence, my being loses what のはだれもが狐娘という概念を忘れ去り、わしのことを想う人間が一人もいなくなる時| they had of me. And when everyone forgets, that will be a true and final death I don't want to die. It's なのじゃ。その時こそがわしの真の意味での死…。死ぬのはイヤじゃ…死ぬのは怖いの| scary. Being forgotten is terrifying. But given my existence to begin with, could you even say that I have じゃ…。忘れ去られるのは怖いのじゃ。だがこうして今まで生き永らえてきたが、果た| lived' at all? I'm but flesh given of the wavering. transient delusions or fantasies of a 'kitsune girl', and I してわしは本当の意味で「生きて」いたのじゃろうか?人間どもの不定期な妄想の度に その脳内で構築される狐娘という概念…それらには基本的に時系列というものはなく、 まして一貫した設定もない…先ほども言ったようにまさに幻……その時々で姿や性格も生|| Ppearance, い立ちも変わり、現れては消え、現れては消え…それを繰り返してここまで来ているの| Ppearing as time passes. What is now vanishes, and what comes also vanishes, and vanishes and it keeps じゃ。それは「生きている」とは言えまい?いや「存在している」とすら言えはしない happening. Is that truly 'living'? Is it really even 'existing? the me of yesterday is not the me of today, のではないか?昨日のわしと今日のわしは違うし、きっと明日のわしもまた違う狐狐娘な のじゃ…人間が自分を認識するために最低氏限必要な自己同一性が全く維持されない、こ|everyone thinks of me in a different way, I do not even have a fixed, baseline 'form'. It's insane, isn't it? I れで正気でいられようか?わしはとっくの昔に狂っていたのじゃ…いや外面だけ見れば 何もおかしくはなっていない…人々が妄想し、要求する「狐娘像」を忠実に再現し、そ|everyone believes that I'm not, believes that I am what I am, andI simply perform my part, like an actor れらしく振舞っておる…いや振舞わされている…だがその内面は既に崩壊し、狂い果て| acting no, being made to act, a puppet. But inside, it's all broken, there's nothing but madness underneath. ているに違いないのじゃ。それを断言できないのは、さっき言ったような「第三者に観 測されない純粋な一人称」を知覚するすべがわいにはないからなのじゃが、だがここま で話せばおぬしも想像がつくのではないか?そんな存在が正気を保っていられるはずが not of myself. No, the 'awareness' I have is almost like that of a third person observer, living out the that I feel, 'everything that I could possibly feel was a thought of someone else, and if no one ever is something thought up by some 'author', somewhere. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not actually venting don't exactly exist 'in time', per se. I do not have an existence set in stone, there's nothing concrete about who I am. I've said this before, but I'm simply an illusion, and what I am changes. My character, my and even the way I am cognizant, the way I think. They've always been changing, disappearing, and the me of tomorrow will be different yet again. In order to conceptualize who I even am, because think was always insane to begin with. No; it's just that I never looked insane to begin with. Because I'm unable to deny this fact. Did I not say before, that even my own existence as observer of myself in the third person is not of my own volition? But you, there, you're imagining it right now, aren't you? That it is? How could I possibly stay sane, with an existence like this- あーtlは。 书办そネ不兵 wow cute fox
Origin Entry:

Foxgirl / Kitsune


Wow, cute fox.

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