6 years ago... | Doing Hurtful Things To Your Waifu Chart | GotFunnyPictures
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NOT NOT WAIFU CHART DOING HURTFL THINGS To YoUR TALKING T0 Her MAKING EYE CONTALT PETTING HER And then she said, "So your sister's name is Dinky? Окау, what kind of muffins do you want at her party?" And I said, "Oatmeal, maybe?" So she said, "Oatmeal? Are you Crazy?" COMplimenting HER SAYING You Love HER SAYING You WANT TO oet Mareied w-WHOA! Married?! M-My eyes are... Cute? Love me...? Oh wow... 1-1 dunno! I-I love you No-.. Wait, yesi! Actually, no-.. W-Wait, I too... I-1 mean... Nopony's ever said that to me before... mean... Ummm... Wow...


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