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105 Views Created 4 years ago By Sophie • Updated 4 years ago

Created By Sophie • Updated 4 years ago

Nathan J Robinson @NathanJRobinson Today I received a message from Kickstarter's chief communications officer encouraging me to share a statement from the CEO with the project creators who have signed our union solidarity petition. Here is his email, the CEO's statement, and my response. Hi Nathan: Thanks again for the phone call about recent events at CEO Aziz has been listening to all the creators and backers who hay on your petition have been a particularly hel pful source of feedback community that I'm sharing below. We'll be posting it on our blog to what's happened and about the company's position on some issue share it with the signers of your petition. We can also send it to ther Thanks David P.S. Congratulations on your project's success! Davie Your company's statament is unaceptable in every single way. I had heped that Kickstater would pay aention to ts areators, and ake seriously its sanus as a puble beneft corporetion. I see Kickstater is deemined to confirm every negative inpression of it as a company hostle to labor organizing am very somy to see that Kickatriar has not ared its poaition in any way l am sure you alize that the oreators who signed our satemant will view this ler as insuting and hostle. You heve affmed that your company Our company will ret be retuning to yeur platorm am cerain that nany of the other 250 signatories to our statement will feal the same You have made it clear where your oompany stands, and that ts values do nat align with our oun tw nat remain neutral and actively oppeses a unien You have misieadingy stated thet unions oeate an adversatar dynamic This is false. The hiorarchical atructunee of companies inherontly gives workers ess power than owners and executives. Unions are necessary to comect that imbalance. This is why our signers so strongly beleve that the workers deserve a union. it is upseting that your company has declined toundentane tis and is delberatwly emearing the unlon as a trouble-mang ensty aer than ognizing the value of uniers in areating a fairer and mane equal workplace dd not wish to become a public crtic of Kickstater I have had nothirg but positive experiences with your staf Unfonunately your company's continued ans-union stance has put us into this positon I st maintain hope that the company wil rofect on s values and reconsider this damaging and indiefensble position (2Wll not voluntarily necognize a union, no mater how many workars ask You know full well that NLRD elections ae time oonsuming processes that provide emplayers with numerous oppenunites to throw Nathan baces in the pun of non oganaers uhve peridnrowing o onsome Ps.1ed your peeseriet to be gnutously offensie We are fortunate th ur cameign made ge beore Kickstater stated ing union organicers. Ater the naws began, our suppenters began evoting andI had to convince them not to pul donetions. We were unable to continue promating our campaign. because evary time we die, pecple critciaed us for patnering with an antunion company, which you havn atru are a ian a the ranain in t e supersors have been imolvee) that maa no sense and have no evdence. Eis quse cbvious that the power of the CEO to deter people from signing their names is far greater than that of a lower tie supervisor Voluntary recegnition is a fair process, and the fact that Kckatarter refuses to reognizet showa that it is atively opposod to the labor mavement. You say thia ia "imposable Thia is a fulshood 3:37 PM Sep 27, 2019 Twitter Web App
Origin Entry:

Kickstarter Boycott




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