Meme Encyclopedia
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I have your back and you have mine Russia Sakhalin La Perouse Stra it Madivostok Hokkaid Tsugaru Strait Sea AKorea P'yongyang Seoul South Tsushima apan Pacific Basin om Ce WOIma Strd Touma Sra Kyushu hu Tokyo Ocean imShikkoku WELL S---...


And so, this is the final Nordic/Mediterranean side-face template for WW2.
I drew, edited and colored all of them, little by little.
And to conclude the "I have your back and you have mine" meme of the previous, I unfortunately have to bring attention to the fact that Japan had no close help from Germany or Italy; As they were geographically too far away and their common enemy (the Soviet Union) was in-between.

The reason Churchill is the only one in the meme who hasn't been drawn on the same style, and is in black and white, is because he's The Eternal Anglo.
So it is his style remain like that for pure meme-tic purposes.
Although it is rarely talked about, Britain did their part against the Japanese Empire.
As proof of that, I suggest you to look up the "Burma Campaign"

Still, the biggest deal the Japanese had was from the Soviets taking back Manchuria and the Americans occupying every island that led to Japan's doorstep

It took me a while, but I finally finished it all 🙂

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