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SUPER November lst SMASH BREPS. Direct Bingo TM U L T I M AT E Cha At LeOne Gr Was Trae Make Green Daisys vecal SakuraiNew nu Fan Piss His Echo ption ff Status as a FormallyAg roll God Fighter FREE onster Huriter Stage SPACE Revealed NES-Era Pe Character Be loats New Meme


I've been planning this out since the August Direct, just waiting for a new Direct announcement.

Trivia and extra bits if you're interested (a bit long):

1. The stuff shown is what seems to be most obvious to me, but I tried to make it a little unique.

2. I kept myself completely ignorant about the details and contents of the Grinch leak for obvious reasons, including why in the holy hell the Grinch of all people is responsible. I'll just look for people who say that something was confirmed when it comes time to fill this out. The whole situation is just bizarre to me. (A GameXplain thumbnail with just the live-action Grinch's face is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.)

3. Ken and Jeanne will most likely be Echo Fighters. If so, I will mark both whoever is confirmed or both and the Echo slot.

4. I actually love Princess Daisy, but boy do I hate We Are Daisy, memoryman, and related people with a burning passion. Just a typical case of a fanbase ruining whatever they are "fans" of. But remember, there are people who exist who aren't like them.

5. Simon seems a bit like the NES character, but I'm thinking more in line with a Nintendo original with only one or two games.

6. I don't really care for Assist Trophy drama, mostly since the character I'm mainly a fan of (Luigi) has been there since the very beginning.

7. I put Shadow on the card because like the others, he seems very likely with his absence as an Assist Trophy, but the Sonic character I actually would want is Tails, but I would be fine with Shadow. If by some insane chance there may be both, I will be a very happy woman.

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