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4867 Views Created 6 years ago By statue345 • Updated 5 years ago

Created By statue345 • Updated 5 years ago

Anonymous 02/06/15(Fn)13 13:19 No 69272743 ﹀ >>69272824 >>69272844 >>69273113 (360 KB, 800x1243) google igdb Now I want to read a story about Glynda and Jaune waking up in Vacuo with hangovers and a license MilesM 02/06/15Fd)13:31:17 No.692731 13-)>69273449 >>69273919 in the room > She tries to remember the night before and it's nothing but a blur > Most of the day before is a blur too. > Normally she'd worry, but it's spring break and this is how her vacations tend to turn out > She stretches and bumps into somebody curled up under the blankets next to her > She looks around the room. Her stuff is here. > Dress folded over a chair of empty liquor bottles At least she won't have to do a walk of shame > She looks over at the lump of blankets next to her and sighs Better kick him out > If he's cute she doesn't have to kick him out right away > She reaches over and shakes the lump with her left hand and freezes in horror as it moans > On her finger is a ring >Oh God, no > The blankets are pulled down and the face of her worst student stares back at her in confusion Oh dear God, no. ● MilesM 02/06/15Fn)14: 12:15 No 69273919 ﹀ >>69273961 >>69273990 >>69274389 >>69274733 > Jaune and Glynda are sitting at the table in her hotel room. > His shirt has apparently gone missing So we > Glynda doesn't look up at him, still reading the piece of paper in her hands is > Glynda shakes her head, still not looking up > Married only a day and already her husband is cheating on her > This right here is why she doesn't trust men > She looks up at Jaune, waiting for him to finish >.Is this kid even elighteen? > Jaune blushed and looked away > Glynda looked at him s > They'd been naked in bed > There were stains on her blouse and glasses > And a half dozen empty condom wrappers scattered around the room. we didn't have sex. >"Oh thank God .Not that you aren't attractivel > You're very attractive > "You look a lot like my mom. Stop MilesM 02/06/15(Fri)14 37:22 No 69274389 ﹀ >>69274486 >>69274772 > Glynda had changed into her most professional outft > The most professional she'd brought on vacation, that is > Purple sequined cocktail dress with a plunging neckline and a slit almost to her waist > Jaune was in his jeans and a blouse he'd borrowed from his professor > He was currently standing awkwardly as Glynda yelled at someone from the Clerk's office you mean it can't be > "Tm sorry, Mrs. Arc- > "Don't you dare call me that >-but Vacuo has very strict regulations on marriage Regulations?1 We got married at a drive thrul He's seventeenl We were drunk! We were apparently married by > She pulls out the mariage license and reads from it .The Right Reverend Doctor Shebubu of the Discount Online Missionary Seminary! s at her > "Be that as it may,. Missus- Miss... You can't have it annulled without counseling and divorce requires a reason >-i have reasons' He's underage, my student, and an idiot!" around > Glynda glares at him and he sheepishly turns away again > It's legal by our standards. You'd need a valid reason like adultery >"Oh, is that all? He cheated on me. > Jaune's head whips around again and again Glynda fixes him with a glare > The clerk looks at the two nonplussed >"Ma'm, no judge in the kingdom is going to believe HE cheated on YOU. Now, if you don't have any other business, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The two leave the clerks office after > "We could just wait until we get back to Vale > "Then it'll be on record in Vale! rll lose my job! No, we're fixing this here and we're fixing this now . > How are we supposed to do that? > Glynda stares at him, the wheels tuning in her head ere going to get you laid. MilesM 02/06/15Fri)15:02:47 No 69274863·" >>69274949 >>69275351 > Jaune and Glynda are sitting at the bar in a casino > Glynda still wearing her cocktail dress, though Jaune is wearing a new suit > It was a bit expensive, particularly on a teachers salary, but you have to spend money to get divorced > Glynda didn't really think that hard about it, she's been drinking we getting me. laid > Glynda rolls her eyes and takes a long sip at her martini > "So we can get divorced > No. I mean why me? wouldn't it be easier for you to, you know . > But we're not really married. > That doesn't make any sense- > "Shhl Now, hurry up and pick someone. Who do you like? >-I-I-I don't know. I've never done this before. > Glynda finishes her drink and waves to the bartender for another > "You did with me > Yeah, but I don't remember that ,'Fine. How about her?" s Jaune follows her unsteady finger to a pair of dark haired girls chatting away and watching the patrons > She'd seen two of them, but assumed that was the alcohol. > "Yes! Twice the girls, twice the opportunity sobers you need > She shoves him towards the girls, smacking him on the butt to hurry him along > She watches him go over, a stupid grin on her face and downs the rest of her drink in one long swallow >·Bar boy' Another one! I'm getting divorced" MilesM 02/06/15Fn)15:24:57 No.69275351 '. >>69275457 >>69275660 Over to the > He puts on what he thinks is his most charming smile as he approaches >The twins eye him suspiciously >"Are you two We > Jaune laughs nervously and looks back at Glynda >The twins roll their eyes in >"Is your mom >"Ohl No, that's not my mom, that's my wife." > The two girls look at each other and then back to him. So that's what this is?" want to join in-" just watch? > "She's a lot better looking than you" stammers >·N -no, we just got married and we need a divorce so we .. L.. I need to. > Jaune smiled > The twins look to one another and talk between themselves before answering > "On one c > Jaune gives a thumbs up to Glynda, who celebrates by downing another drink. > Oh, I'm sure she'd agree to pretty much anything >The twins look at each other and grin MilesM 02/06/15(Fri)15 38 52 No 69275660 ﹀ >>69275799 > It's entirely too bright in the room > Her head is pounding > She tries to remember last night and it's nothing but a blur > The rest of the day is pretty clear though. married > A vague feeling of relief of a problem solved > She smiles without knowing why and stretches > And feels lumps on either side of her > She bolts upright and looks at the two raven haired girls on elther side of her 1 > One of the girls opens an eye and looks at the teacher
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