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Know Your Ads Meme…

I've been procrastinating this joke for years… or something. For the longest time on my old computer at home I couldn't open any images as thumbnails/previews or whatever nor could I open the comment box with AdblockPlus (even though this hand-me-down dad's old work computer w/ XP could). I had to disable it every time I wanted to type a comment at home… and HOLY SHIT, IT WAS A BAD TIME… it was absolutely abysmal back then (which is why most everything I've done on this site has been from work)… like, at normal ad levels this site was almost as bad as kissmanga's bad ad invasion a while ago.

It suddenly started working again normally at some point, though. This one specific stand-up comedy video ad would always get through only in Incognito (Chrome), though… weird.

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