HE IS SAFE (for now) | Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten | GotFunnyPictures
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2960 Views Created 6 years ago By LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia • Updated 5 years ago

Created By LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia • Updated 5 years ago

[-] batterrsenanam [S] 279 points 4 hours ago" (last edited 4 hours ago) I took the liberty to translate the whole piece to English. Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors or confusion, Icelandic doesn't always translate really well to English 會 I'm free from the disease, the cancer. The damn disease is gone. Until it comes back, whenever that will be, which will hopefully be never." says Stefán Karl Stefánsson about his life after two surgeries for liver cancer. "Life is now. It's almost a miracle that I'm still here." Stefán Karl described to the radio show "Siǎdegisútvarpiā" on the radio channel Rás 1 how one tumor after the other had been found in his liver. Among them a huge tumor that was discovered during the surgery. A part of the liver was taken, but it will renew itself. In the twelve months since Stefán Karl was diagnosed with cancer, he has undergone surgery twice. "It of course comes as a great shock. You just go numb to begin with." He says it's weird to be in this position since only one in 100,000 get this type of cancer. "Of course I get it. I'm one of a kind." -Stuck watching other people The cancer made him rethink his life and what he wanted to do. "Most people go within the first five years. All of a sudden you have to start rearranging and prioritize your life. What happens when the shock starts to go away and you pull up your pants You start organizing what really matters and what doesn't." The changes are many. For example, he has stopped taking part in discussions about politics and other negative things, which before had taken up a lot of his time. He says political discussion on the internet worries him. "I think we have just too little to do. We are hanging around on Facebook and reading each others' feeds. We are "stalkers", we are "stalking" each others' lives all day long and criticizing them. It's kind of like standing by your window: "Look how he's painting his house, he's painting it green, I'd never paint my house green. Except now you you have a platform and write from it on Facebook." He says people don't have to fall ill to see how sick that attitude is, but that the illness makes it so that he looks at life with different eyes than before Death is incredibly insignificant "Many people ask me if I'm afraid to die. It's something that me and Steinunn have discussed alot. Death is such an incredibly insignificant thing, completely irrelevant, while life is so interesting and magnificent." Stefán Karl says that people should smile and be thankful for existing. That it isn't so granted. That's why people shouldn't grieve if they maybe have little time left, but to enjoy being here. "Let's not cry and think "Woulda, coulda, shoulda", let's stop looking in the rear-view mirror and look ahead onto the road because that heals all wounds. When I woke up after my first surgery, which is body, the nurses looked at me and said: "Now you will have to go and heal yourself Stefán". That is one of the most profound things I have learned in my life." At that time, medicine had done all it could do and it was up to him to watch his body and mind Rejoices over things that haven't happened The only times I tear up is when I think of all the things I might possibly miss. I can't miss something that hasn't happened, but I think, of the most serious and dangerous surgeries they do on the human ample, the idea of not getting to hold my grandchildren is incredibly sad. That's wh r when they get married butI about that it will ghters down the ood hands. The moments w but I also smil r them, hopefully and that hopefull Il manage, like me, to have kids because it's so magnificent to discuss this very become a parent. So I smile and get ppy ove t ha appened. Me and Stein Stefán Karl sa im and St didn't want to talk abo n had told their kids it was important to be h est about their Bikes 20 kilometers a da probably due to just getting up an Karl wh d exercisi meters a day. He lifted we rea to start slowl reqularly before At that time goal was to build up mu t it rec tho erything pas ext two rs my life is a miracl make the right cho Writing a stand-up routine about can Stefán Karl said revolves around Eldjárn writing it. "We're gonna start testing it in Octob k at it like we ld be creating memo Stefán Karl sa ow to spend time with their children he radi ow "Síodegisútvarpi" that he was writing his first stand-up routine. "This stand-up which is fun ne s had help from sta up comedian Ari I premiere it soon after New ome fun of this be able t Laughter do arn to fart again after the surgery. He had a t exactly prolong y life but it makes it easier. Stefán Karl said that he ha standing over him a ome times doctors and nurse st time he ed and how. "There are a lot of things surrounding this tha



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