The Lifespans of Memes | Meme Life Cycle Charts | GotFunnyPictures
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2812 Views Created 6 years ago By olors64 • Updated 3 years ago

Created By olors64 • Updated 3 years ago

Top of the kek Ironisation Meme enters a cycle in which it's ironised, and over time the fact it's been ironised is also ironised, and so on, and so on. Meme's lifetime tends to be very long, but it's humor value tends to drop over extensive periods of time, with each loop of irony becoming less funny than the previous, the meme eventually becoming forgotten or deemed too stale for investment to be further possible. Meme reaches peak of comedic value. From now on, rate of growth The Peak starts dropping, and eventually becomes negative. Immortalisation Meme deemed so integral or funny to the internet community despite it's long lifetime that it becomes effectively immortal, and permamently dank in a majority of communities. It's lifetime is often extreme, and the joke tends to spawn a multitude of variations. Fresh Judgement The meme became big enough on a meta level and reached a critical point in it's stability Depending on quality and recieval of meme on top of it's symbolism, it's fate from this point onwards differs. Ex. SUCC, deep fried memes Ex. Funny Funny Y/N First Judgement Meme spread to a wide enough audience finally reaches the point where the internet decides whether it's stale or dank. e Neutral Genesis point Joke freshly harvested from the meme plantations, still young and ripe. Rapidly spread by first-hand markets to the public. Cancerisation Meme deemed as "cancerous and "s---" by the internet. Causes vary, from too much market saturation compared to dankness level to repeatedly failed attempts at making the meme "ironic". Joke's value drops extremely rapidly over a relatively short amount of time. Unfunny Obscurity Normiefication Meme only exists in small community circles, and eventually dies. Reason meme being forced, the meme being too similar to an arleady existent meme, or being plain unfunny Meme becomes too widespread, and finally spreads to extremely unprofitable markets which proceed to both counterfeit it en masse and make multiple unfunny variations of it, contributing to the loss of the meme's comedy value and it's eventual death. s vary, from the Ex. Basically Stale everything related to fidget spinners Ex. Dabbing S--- tier Time of existence
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Meme Life Cycle Charts




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