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7558 Views Created 6 years ago By Ryumaru Borike • Updated 4 months ago

Created By Ryumaru Borike • Updated 4 months ago

! ! File MG_5014ipg (54 KB, 6400424) THE EMOJI MOVIE (207 0% Anonymous 07/28/170Fri01:33 10 No. 94215515 -ms趔moe011 And the studio will not suffer any consequences from it, because Insurance and exploitation of broken tax systems and coverage Can I be real for a second? This board is f------ atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies A tiny team of people made an animated adventure for you to embark on. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to f------ riot. Guess what? The movie was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a movie What it WAS going to be was an impossibly epic adventure filled with action and funny s---. I just watched it for an hour and a half and it was exactly that. What Is it simple? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the product placement jarring and the jokes questionable and the structure unclear? Sure,fine But h-------- what do these people OWE YOU? How f------ entitled do you have to be to have the appventure of a lifetime inside a smartphone and then say yeah but We should all be f------ weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring movies in recent memory Sony Pictures doesnt owe you a good time. Yet they gave you 86 MINUTES Worth. If you have the f------ audacity to complain about it then you dont deserve it and you were never fans in the first place O Anonymous 07/28/1 7Fjol 36 40 No 94215573 Anonymous 07/28/1 TFn⑩1 42 08 No 94215671 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri The bait, she is good □ Anonymous 07/28/1 TFn01 3643 No 94215575 Anonymous 07/28/17 Fr01:43 20 No.94215638 ng (278 KB The critics hate it i hope you got paid to write this Anonymous 07/28/17 Frj03 13:35 No 94216966 File (89 KB □ Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri01:36 58 No 94215581 H-------- that is some tucking □ Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)01:51:16 No 94215810- Anonymous 07/28/17(Fn 01:37:19 No.94215 Anonymous 07/28/1 TFn01 :43 27 No 94215691 144303240842 jipg (189 KB. 1462x62) File: DestinationTruthL ogo ipg (49 KB, 300x169) All tha shitposting about it was a better good time than the movie, Sony should make a sequal fans The fans lave it □ Anonymous 07/28/17F001 3855 No 94215615-1 Anonymous 0728/170Fn02:13 17 No 9421614b-ma出 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fn⑩144 40 No 94215709 Is that the No man Siky pasta? Anonymous 07/28/171Fnd 31207 No 94216953 (21 KB 256x256) why you laughing? is the movie that funny? Anonymous 07/28/17F001 40 52 No 94215653 File: IMG-6301 4215556 I ike the smal detals in this bait Anonymous 07/28/1 TFn1 54 32 No 94215866 A tny team o Sony Pictures doesnt owe you a good time. Yet they gave you 86 MINUTES worth you were never fans in the first place Is this Tumblr? This level of antisocial autism is only possible there ! Anonymous 07/28/17 F001 41 39 No 94215666 's a lazy cash grab So y dese es all the hate they get. They need to know it's not okay to make sh酖y Slms with no work Sony didt make this for ,yone except the lowest com mon denom nator. dumb chidre put in. Children deserve better and you seem to not feel the same way Anonymous 07/28/17 F 01 SI 54 N 942158M Anonymous 07/28/1TFn) 15457 No 94215860· Anonym us 07/28/17Fn 0154 16 N 94215847 . to be to have the appventure"-of a ltatime inside a smartphone™ and then say-yeah but Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)01 54 32 No 94215866 I don't think pasta counts as bait, fish won't eat it 9421555 Is this Tumbl? This level of antisocial autism is only possible there Anonymous 07/28/170F j01:54 57 No 94215861 Contanl Aing (163 KB, 1200x600) REALLY MY WE'RE THE NEW CONTROL Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)02 16 00 No 94216194 This is the the /col equivMant of "Tm sormy but did the Chargers slready lose" copy pasta Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri02 40 51 No. 94216543 ▶ー4216i Anonymous 0T/28/17(Fn)03 030 ile 1473356289421 i (6 KB, 325x143 Your autism level has increased you a good time.v Good thing thay didn't delivar Words cannot describe it Have you tried..moj? DO HO HO HO Unless you got paid, theres not eeason at all for display this unmeasureable amount of autism Anonymous 07/28/17 Frj02 47 36 No 94216633 uses齾meis111-4214821 I watched the Emoj Movie in a theater earlier today. A friend of mine paid for the ticket, he was dragging me along for the meme value I would try to describe how bad the Emoj Movie is, but it is beyond your comprehension. Words cannot describe it. m scared that it was made, and Im scared that people have, and are going to see it It reduces all of human achievement backwards by several decades, just for being made. Alien species, on making contact with us, will think less of our whole species for the existence of the Emoji Moie We could arive at a foreign planet, and fnd sentient life banging rocks together and struggling to invent fire. We would attempt to subjugate them, but one thought, one concept, would light a fire in the strange organ that comesponds to their hearts that would never be extinguished The fact that, out of the whole of the galaxy, no matter what the future holds, it was us, humanity, that created the Emoi Movie, and not them. Behold. I give you the superman. He is the he is the madness Anonymous 07/28/1TFn 02 4933 No 94216655▶ Anonymous 07/28/17(Frp03 23 12 №942170BB-tHanz-12m꾜 ful of hidden meaning and undertying themes. rs incredible 2294216633 Find who wrote it and we find the Antichrist l watched it and it's fantastic The crtcs saying otherwise are not snart enough to understand it It Ts meant to be shalow at irst glance because that's part of the message s trying to send Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri103 26:39 No 94217127ト!w217204 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)03 45:58 No 94217348 22942170 ! Anonymous 07/28/17Fnja3 45 14 No 94217335 ▶ taam4EHunn Why are you still here? I barely thought t would live up to the hype, lat alona exceed t. Ive been watching it for four hours straight across only two movie theaters and about five sound systems, and it has been absolutelly and utterly humbling. My breath is being takan away at evary tum. I just laughed watching them desparately try to make their way out of the Candy Crush app with ominous bots stating ma from tar across some ockyroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system Earliar I was marveling at a herd ofgrazing Emojis on a ittle yellow snapchat with a pink flter Creatures were screeching in the distance and tiniding piano chords played in the background I wery much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as CGI d voice acting but most of all this moa* has been an extremely e otional experience fr me so far l could barely pull myself away from my frst scene once I took a seat. No mamer what Im looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and bustration that I am inevitably missing so much I have never, EVER fe this lost The Moie just beckons wordlessly. What a besutiful, beautiful, titanic moie. I have no words Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Somy and Tomy Leondis Jeez Louise. □ Anonymous 0128/17°Frp03:59:31 № 9421750 5L1Leng (282 KB, 313u418)
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The Emoji Movie


I can't tell if Pasta-maker is serious or not

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