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500 Views Created 7 years ago By satansyngel • Updated 6 years ago

Created By satansyngel • Updated 6 years ago

5/26/2017 SUPERIOR COURTOF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA No. 17-CR-016561 ddonly Delectives rcovred Hocks, sungtasses, a glove, jeans, and facial coverings consient with those possessed/wom by Clamon during the assauts on 04-15-2017 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE PROVISION-RE STATE PRISON ELIGIBILITY-SERIOUS FELONY AS TO DEFENDANT ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON It is further alleged that the above offense is a serious felomy within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(e) and that pursuant to Penal Code section 1170(h)3)anexecuted sentence for the offenses herein DECLARATION AND DETERMINATION Probable Cause for Warrantess Acrest The undersigned farther deposes and says on information and belief, that said ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON did, in the County of Alameda, State of California, on or about April 15, 2017, commit a MISDEMEANOR, to wit: WEARING MASK TO EVADE IDENTIFICATION IN THE COMMISSION OF CRIME, a violation of section 185 of the PENAL CODE of California, in that said defendans) did unlawfully wear a mask, falso whiskers and personal disguise for the purpose of evading and escaping discovery, recognition, and Clanton was arrested and booked into the BPD Jail on three counts of PC 245 a1) and one oount of Prc ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON Detectives attempled to interview Clanlon and obtain his side of the siory but he immed abaly invoked his rights EPUTY charged shall be served in the state prison. WHITE During the booking process, Clantons tattoo was photographed. Clanton has an Iron Frot on the inside o has left bicep The Iron Front symbol s assoclated with Ans-Fascists oircls 17-23000 THIRDC On 05-25-2017, Detectives recovered photos from a camera recovened from Clanton's San Leandro addreas The photos show Clanton taking photos of himsel "saesth hith wearing black clothing and tacial covernings consisten with hose he wore during the sauts on 04-15-2017. Additional photos show Cianton posing nuxt to Anarchy symbols The undersigned, being sworn says, on information and belief, that ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON did, in the County of Alameda, State of California, on or about April 15, 2017, commit a FELONY, to wit: ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON, a violation of section 245(a)(1) of the PENAL CODE of California, in that said defendant(s) did willfully and unlawfully commit an assault upon Sean Stiles with a deadly weapon and instrument, to wit, BICYCLE U-LOCK. The undersigned further deposes and says on information and belief, that said ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON did, in the Coanty of Alameda, State of Californin, on or about April 15, 2017, commit a FELONY, to wit ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON, a violation of sectice 245(a() of the PENAL CODE of California, in that said defendants) did willfully and unlawfully commit an assault upon John Doe #1 with a deadly weapon and instrament, to wit, BICYCLE U-LOCK 5/2402017 12-15 00 1173 32ND ST.#2 OAKLAND CA 11 7332ND ST #2 OAKLAND CA declare under penalty of perjury that the aboee information was obtained through official police channels and is contained n the above-mentioned police report Executed in the Courty of Alameda, State of Calilomia idenity and signatune af 24$(AK1) F(3 Counts)(War tant》 SPEC ALLEG GREAT BODILY INJURY AS TO DEFENDANT ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON On Salunday, Apl 15, 2017& demonstration took place in and around Cvic Center Pak, and for a period on Center St beween MLK Jr, Way and Shattuck Ave. This non-pemited eve atracled sveral hundred demonstrators and coueer It is further alleged that in the commission of the above offense the said ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON, personally inflicted great bodily injury upon Sean Stiles, mot an accomplice to the above offense, within the meaning of Penal Code Section 12022.7(a) and also causing the above offense to become a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c8) NOTICE PROVISION-RE STATE PRISON ELIGIBILITY-SERIOUS FELONY AS TO DEFENDANT ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON It is further alleged that the above offense is serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c) and that parsuant to Penal Code section 1170(hX3) an executed sentence for the offenses herein During the demonstraons,Eic Clanton was amed with a Ushaped metal bicycle lock and snuck at least seven diferent Victims in the head. At around 1320 hours, Clanton struck Victim One with the U shaped bicycle lock in the head. Ths assaut esuted in a head laceraion thel required 5 staples to Victim Ones head. Aner the assau Clanton is seen Supervisor Peter Hong charged shall be served in the state prison. On the bas ofth. fregeng dedaration1hereby determine that there iah probab-cause le delarbn areetee NOTICE: This offense is a serious feloay and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code sections 1192.7(c)(8) and 667.5()(8). During a second assout, Eric Clantion struck Vicim 2 across the head with a U-shaged bicycle lock Victim two was wearng a 昕the tme, however the assaa ealid n a pion at wam Twos heinet berg broken The undersigned further deposes and says on information and belief, that said ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON did, in the County of Alameda, State of California, on or about April 15, 2017, commit a FELONY, to wit: ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON, a violation of section 245(a() of the PENAL CODE of Califomia, in hat said defendant(s) did willfully and unlawfally commit an assault upon John Doe #2 with a desdly weapon and instrument, to wit, BICYCLE U-LOCK During a ind u, Eric Canton, stuck Victim Three across the let side af ba neck and back wh a Uehaped bioycie lock. NOTICE PROVISION-RE STATE PRISON ELIGIBILITY-VIOLENT FELONY AS TO DEFENDANT ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON It is further alleged that the above offense is a violent felomy within the meaning of Penal Code section 667.5(c) and that pursuant to Penal Code section 1170h)3) an executed sentence for the offenses herein charged shall On 05-02-2017, I oblained a search wamant for Clantons historical phone records. These ecords show Clanion was in the area of Che Carter Park on D4-15-2017 during the one o-me protest assas During the course of this nvegation, Berkaiey Police Department (BPD; Homicide Detectives ivied stat at Diao Vwley Colege Canton attemptedわcontact te Colege to dians ge muh, however, never stated he wanted to proclaim his innocence Furthermone,Dan Sigel (Clanion's atormey) contacted me and told me torefer anry quesons in be served in the state prison. NOTICE PROVISION-RE STATE PRISON ELIGIBILITY-SERIOUS FELONY AS TO DEFENDANT ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON It is further alleged that the above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.Nc) and that pursuant to Penal Code section 1170h3) an executed sentence for the offenses herein A necoros check of Clanton showed he was aested by Cakland-CHP on 01-09-2014 on the Hwy 24/Anterstale 980 ntersecion. Clanton was arrested for PC 372 and PC 47C This ares siemmed from the Back Lves Matens SECOND Pursuant to Penal Code Section 1054 Sb), the People are hereby informally requesting tha detendent's counsel provide discevery t0 the People as roquired by Penal Code Section 1054.3 The undersigned further deposes and says on information and belief, that said ERIC MICHAEL CLANTON did, in the County of Alameda, State of California, on or about April 15, 2017, commit a FELONY, to wit ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON, a violation of section 245(a)(1) of the PENAL CODE of Califomia, in that said defendantis) did willfully and unlawfully commit an assault upon Frank Karcich with a deadly weapon and instrument, to wit, BICYCLE U-LOCK on 05-22-2017 l auined an arresi Ramey mamant tor Enc canton, i also ottaned·search warrant nor Ene dano, tes residence in San Leandro, and his vehicle. charged shall be served in the state prison. and swom This decument was iled electrenically in On 05-24-301 7、the BPD Homicide Deta" wth assastance ton tha BPD Detecaves Bareau eseted ae teach manas associating Clanton with the Avs-Fascists and Anarchy poitical groups Delectives located Clanton at his new address in West Oukland and ablained a search warrant forhis Oakand aodesA approumately 1215 hours, Cannon was anested nade of 1·73 32nd St unit 2 n Oakland, CA Detelere sard evide ce (Aags, patches, pamphlets, nde a) at the home ssociating Clanton wah the ArvaFasosts and Anarchy pollical
Origin Entry:

Battle for Berkeley


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