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5947 Views Created 7 years ago By Eresine • Updated about a year ago

Created By Eresine • Updated about a year ago

「Anonymous (lD 0 e D) 01/07/17(Sat)16:07:03 No. 106110894 100110003 「Anonymous (ID NTE)当01/07/17(Sat)13:44:19 No. 106094134 >> 106094395 >>100094453 (20 KB, 313x330) Let me type What I would like to touch on is how this show treats the following: Shattering "Infallible" Identities Families and the masculine role within them Presents SW themes on a surface level, but utterly destrays them if you look into the subtext SJWs love the show and don't realize this...but their brains do. Stay tuned. I just want you to understand the ideas I'm about to discuss. l tum yln? 「STORYTEMEID ANNoress 01/07/17(Sat)13:56:34 No. 106095455▶ 쯔100090014쯔1000e6316 106095417 2103086908 106100157 105109225 32106109785 106110694 On the surface, a show like Steven Universe looks cancerous and ultra- avoid it for those reasons, and I don't even typically watch cartoons anymore; but I got into the show because some friends What drew me in first, was the overarching mystery story and the originality of the plat Criticize the simplicity of the plot lines and some of the saccharine outoomes all you want, but the show is at least very original, and has a lot of heart. That being said, I'm not here to tak about that. I would be the first person to denounce this show as horrible leftist propaganda, but it's actually one of the more redpilled shows aut there, because it reveals the utter failure of SJW rhetoric once you get past the autistic-friendly color palette and oh-so-progressive >Utter Deconstruction of Identity Politics We're on /pol, so the first thing you notice about the show is that the gems appear to be in and t show's target audience). But the show does not proselytize LGBT propaganda in any way, other than showing the members of a mono-gendered race being attracted to each other romantically. This time around, lpoll sees this as homosexual propaganda; but when Mass Efect was released ten years ago, this was our same argument FOR the Asari, another mono-gendered and all-female race, and the proto-SJWs of that era cried out that the lesbianism of the Asari was a form of homosexual minstrelsy. So I'm not going to touch that angle, draw your awn conclusions there, because as far as I can tell, the extent of lesbianism in the show is "There are two rocks that really love each other and like to f---, and everyone's cool with it except the other people in their own race. And that's the important thing. The Gems are the villains. Females. Villains. (continued) 「STORYTIEM (ID HERNE) 01/07/17(Sat)14:09:37 No.106096908 쯔106097293"100 eMMQ The Gem Empire is an utopia in goes "woW AN ALL FEMALE RACE, AND THEY FUSE (F---) EACH OTHER FINALLY A SHOW WHERE FEMALES AND LESBIANS HAVE REPRESENTATION They utterly ignore the subtext, but they're not intelligent anyway so I won't begrudge them that. The reality is that the matriarchy of the gems is just as f------ terrible to their society as themselves, and many of the gems encountered so far (if you'll excuse the pun) are DEEPLY flawed, if not downnight psychotic. Will SJWs admit this? No. It's not likely they even see it. But it presents a realistic view of living character which goes beyond identity. If straight white y, then why is the realized this, it would short circuit their myopic worldview, because women, as class and as This is a good place to segue into the next topic (not in any particular order, just this is a good As I stated, but did not yet clarify, most of the gems are deeply flawed as characters (and this is what makes them compelling characters). For instance, take the three main gems: Gamet Amethyst, and Pearl. Each of these characters performs a maternal role for Steven. Now, the idiot SJW following the show see this and goes "WOW, THREE MOMS, SO PROGRESSIVE AND GREG'S DAD IS A DEADBEAT. PATRIARCHY SMASHED. If Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl were real, CPS would have taken Steven away, because while all of them clearly love Steven, they are all HORRIBLE parents. In their matemal roles, they're 「STORYTIEM (ID HEERE) 띄 01/07/17(Sat)14:26:40 No.106098860▶ 쯔1060990g4"100099294 10611D594 nree gems nto Pearl herself has that she is in her domains of expertise, but utterly useless outside of them. The fact that she loves Steven does not excuse her for constantly endangering his life and heaping terrible guilt upon him for taking away her beloved Rose. Pearl is the archtypal crazy ex-girlfriend who suddenly becomes thrust into a maternal role. She pretends to be confident and sophisticated on the surface, but she struggles to define a personality that isn't dependent on other people, and would be the real-world single mother who would end up raising someone like Norman Bates. Furthermore, she hates Greg, because deep down she knows that she can't compete with him for the love of Steven OR Rose, for reasons she and neuroses are not you think Amethyst, on the other hand, is the type of single mother who wants to be best friends with their child, and doesn't actually raise them or teach them anything. She would be the kind cf mother that leaves her children emotionally stunted, unable to seok anything beyond instant gratification and and the thrill of the moment. A child raised by her would grow up with dependence and addiction issues, guaranteed. Again, this is not apparent to people who think her aloofness and lack of severity is an admiral quality for a matemal figure. And finally Garnet. Garnet presents a facade of wisdom and all-knowing mystery. She can see future possibilities and uses this knawledge several times to actually guide Steven and teach him valuable lessons. Hawever, while she is closest of the three to an actual "good" parent she consistently prevents Steven from leaming the truth about his history and the terrible r. STORYTEM (ID MERENa) 01/07/17(Sat)14:40:00 No.106100398 쯔106100m"100101173 ean9 ing (21 KB, 371x329) Alright Blah blah, Garnet shelters Steven and wants to protect him from the Truth. Well, canonically Steven is 14, and has rapidly developing power which the Gems have no issue but we justify telling Steven more about his own history because "it might hurt his feelings. Three deeply flawed and insecure "female" aliens have managed to raise a borderline autistic, stunted And now, since the start of the show, this is ostensibly the largest point of contact that Steven has had with Greg; and the positive influences are beginning to be apparent. We see Steven going to GREG for most of the history lessons about the Gems, we see Steven bonding with GREG to explore his human side, and so far, Greg is the only parental influence that has given Steven advice which has actually helped him to grow as a person. In the most recent episodes, you see Steven finally demanding to know more from the Gems, who continue to hide knawledge from him, and try to keep him sheltered from his own past. He's grawing as a character, as a man, and not because of the Gems. While Greg is far from perfect, the Gems initially started out vilifying him (as I'm sure most of the SJWs were extremely quick to assume as well), and throughout the course of the show, we've seen Greg being nathing but a loving and supportive parent (who also deeply loved Steven's mother). The initial bias of the Gems against Greg stems from the fact that they lost the love of one of their own to Greg, and as a Human they see him as inferior. These are not progressive herces of ferninism, but jealous and inexperienced women who can't understand why their best intentions are hurting the ones they love most Furthermore, when you look around Beach City, you see not one, but TWO families with Single Fathers. That should f------ shock your system if you drink leftist kool-aid STORYTIEM (ID NENAR) 01/07/17(Sat)14:46:19No 106101173 >>100101842 >>100102879 The Fry Hut and Pizza Place each have shitlord patriarchs as head of household, and by all accounts they seem to be fine parents. No Finally, you have the Onion household, where Yellowtail (the cuck father), is a better husband and father figure to both children, and good husband to his ex-w---- wife. We even get to see Sour Cream try to reach out to his bio-dad in an atempt to be rebellious, only to discover that his bio-dad is a f------ s------, and Yellowtail cares more about him. Steven Universe consistently displaces the POSITIVE aspects of fatherhood and male influence upon the family, and does not display every single retard e sassy female. I wonder if SJWs even f------ notice that men (especially fathers) are portrayed in a positive just wanted to conclude about masculine influence in the family before the thread autosages.
Origin Entry:

Steven Universe


I don't agree with every point he makes (not saying which ones) but It's interesting to think about.
(I'm not a big fan of this show either way honestly)

Part 2

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