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2711 Views Created 7 years ago By MacPrice • Updated 4 years ago

Created By MacPrice • Updated 4 years ago

Anonymous 06/21/14(Sat 22 12.54 № 249661563 Ξ fedw.png (268 KB. 314525) ggle indb 06/21,143#22 16 59 No 249562135 043 ang (199 KB, 326x362) gaogle iad 10 KB, 294x224) pag o RAnonymous0621/54(Sat)20.36 03 No 249566030 >>249556430 >>249566438 >>249556480 >>249566751 >>249566402 >>249566442 What's the most autistic vidya thing youve ever dane? si threw my mom r being with Knuckles.I reconded myselfseplarying Sonic Adventures 2 and ilagaly downloaded Sonic X and went back through caidings and found all the scenes where Knuckks and Rouge hawe memens" I compled these all into a ed and labeled t as proof would spend hours evwry day lookig ahe same fan dawn art that shipped KnucHea and Rouge and my abaeasion grew more and moa watched every scene of the anime where it was hinted they lkad each other and ewatched tham I would look up ul 34 of ougeand ngle one with Sonic or Shadow I would pretend didnt exist. I got into atoht wth someone on the intemet about whether Roups Anonymous 06/21/14(Sat 23 31 21 No 249572296 74626109441632 KB. 168x145) ganga Eventualy i stopped gong to school pretendng to be 5c&B wD3 17) nd ddn't go如r 2 ueeks lust sol could 5hip knuckles and rouge and read every fanfiction and view every fanat My parents discovered my iabytes of files on knuckles and rouge when I went to the batheroom the anly time I let the room) and threatened to break the computer Ithrew my mom and stapped myself from hitting her with my bet I clung to my computer and screamed and they caled the police shere Iwas taken away and hospitalized for a manth sht nige Ive Iiterally been diagnosed with asperpers and Tve never done This wast on for 5 momis, and I stopped going to schoal the last 2 waelks of the fasce stated to get raally bad during the lasn 2 manths I had to natake all y state teats (fnals) again in January because I could take tha teats I was removed tam tha national henar socisty atar this : Anonymous 06/21/140Sat21 37:58 No 249556480 >>249556349 Anonymous 06/21/14(Sat 20:37 40 No 249566430 06/21,14(Sap22 42 12 No 249565643 So yau have genuine autism How are you stil sane enough to POST hene u Anonymous 06/21/14(Sat 22 07 28 No 249560B52 138 KB, 375x375) gaga F------ nice bog tapgotron I could to pest, but ater I fnished reading your past my autism Next time save your parents mone years of suffering and end your self stupid cockmonering p------------ hey f--- you fagpot. Everybody has moments like this ance in a while This暷so we can shsre what negese dys things w v"ver done Like I said m no longer ike this 153 KB 828x966) gope id 2224955565 Your autac brain is jut waiting for something to sparp about Anonymous 06/21/14(3122 13 19 No 249561639 24955483 Everybody has moments where they almost beat their mother and then get hospitalized for freaking out over fictional If's not now like you're suddenty normal and No anon, you're still like that Youna a ticking timebomb, wating for somathing to triggar your autiam Everybody has moments like this once in a whle Get. The f---. Ot M Th" orty ay you could ever c ng e tely think that everyone Destray your PC and take a oadtrip and lets 355 e re be g h perba6c and 3Ctuaty think that stable onty gf people do this) because you so f------ su ned from the eal ori dres. people that you th k his just are la ng to do b ygur t enty BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! Oh god Of everything that happened this '릅 what l remember the most. This t clong thing .5 what ' regret the most The only wo men who m er regly g es 5ht out aryone 5 her m ther She 35ed me took cart of me ki55sed my oeboos. d 31 f , garme ali fora ucking game l tve her across the ro m sht 35 s iy scared Go ㎞ows what went through her head F--- ALL OF YOU Rouge loves Knucklas and you ALL KNOWW IT Rouge loves Knuckles and you ALL KNOW IT you ALL KNOW IT COMMENCING ROUTINE: SLAP YOUR S--- GET-A-LOAD AND THEN OP WAS A F-- ALL ALONG My computer wasn't eally fied with p--- mght have had 긴 couple of folders but tot w 5 t l had farf tons and rtures ofthe kis5ng d cu doing Se w 5 50 er ng| thought should be pmote between them I had em saved so in case the intenet went out I could stil be with them A átnar l would spend less and less time ary day I ieduld q ickly back u stan 16 be with knuckles and auge My parents slated to it worried 뵈 dad t the table ould talk about how commnaion can lead to My parents wera really womiad One day. 2 days betora tha throwing incident they shood by my doar and knockad and I yelled really loudly WHAT bette andy tr ng to get me to talk hey asked 1 wanted to see a the ap st. We were poor but they still sa they would囟anyth hey werent condescending they were They asked hor l as doing, etc They asked f u as bulled at school. they asked f som et g happened with a 1 at school they asked fl was feeing d genunely womed about me My mom had teas in her eyes and was just 50 womed, wondenng what the tc㎏ gong on with her son told them to ci e hey ere take back is 35 the st t me ㅲ m i e l o yed at the m l it ten ble the 5econd i 53 d and they were t3k en back trying to joke with me, recounting memories from chilthood so I would open the door. She slept sitting by the door that right essed ey 53d had to tell t e and l screarmed and orced them out of the ro . I locked the door that day and my mom sat behr rt knocking on and 04:13 No 249576368 1 12 MB, 294x233)920kg血 To think thinga like you exist and paople have gave their lites to mantain this planet 243570351 You ae a disgusting piace of sht and your parents cared about you far mare than you deseve Seiously consider suicide, and leave a note apologzing You You f------ 5hame for the human nce oxygen thief 06/21/14' Sa123 3541 No 249572952 Ξ Anonymous 0621门41S 123 34 50 No 24957273 1335585048906201 i 135 KB. 584x573) good!迪 2224957 851 l locked the door that day and my mom sat behind it, knocking on it and trying to joke with me, recounting memones fom childhood so I would open the door She slept stting by the door that night My god, that gives ma homble feala Go kill your f------ sef OP, you ae an insuterabla c--- to puil something ike that hate you 24670851 Up to tha part the thread as funny Worst part is that you say it's painful to type so you know you are wrong Just accept their ofar and go to therapy, you naed t They 'trust me'. Dumbfucks..."
Origin Entry:



Causing intense drama in real life.
TL;DR? An anon had a huge interest for the pairing of Knuckles and Rouge from Sonic the Hedgehog. It was so severe, the anon's mother noticed and the anon responded by beating her up.
Found on the same thread in /v/ where I found this:

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