What's Piers Morgan Saying? | GotFunnyPictures
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What's Piers Morgan Saying?

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt
Added by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt

What's Piers Morgan Saying?
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2017 Origin: Good Morning Britain Region:
Type: Image Macro,
Tags: piers mogran, gender, image macro, politics,
What's Piers Morgan Saying?


What's Piers Morgan Saying refers to a series of image macros in which people captioned a screenshot of Piers Morgan with humorous quotes that Morgan looks like he's saying.


On May 17th, 2017, Piers Morgan interviewed a gender non-binary couple on Good Morning Britain (shown below). During the interview, Piers conducted the talk with his arms crossed.

Following the interview, Twitter user @joegolby[1] tweeted a screenshot of Piers (shown below) from the show with the caption "'well i'm sorry madame but it simply won't do. we asked for butter and this is clearly margarine. we shan't be settling the bill.'" The tweet received more than 300 retweets and 1,200 likes.

Joel Golby @joelgolby well i'm sorry madame but it simply won't do. we asked for butter and this is clearly margarine. we shan't be settling the bill


Shortly after @joelgolby tweeted the image, other people began tweeting their own captions of the screen grab.

Mollie Goodfellow @hansmollman "excuse me but actually me and my family were here before that table and they've already got their mains. Rob Keeling @R_Keeling "Well I'm sorry but I think it's disgraceful that there are people sat in First Class wearing sportswear." Jonno @CiaraVEVO The complimentary Daily Express was creased in a very disrespectful manner, 15% off my stay

That day, @joelgolby wrote an article for VICE[3] featuring 46 captions for the picture of Piers Morgan. Twitter published a Moments page, archiving some of the most popular tweets.[2]

Various Examples

Zing Tsjeng @misszing "so i said to the man at the curry house, 'do you THINK i can't tell you've put fewer poppadoms irn my takeaway?' disgraceful, the lot of em" Chris Quilietti @ChrisQ_1 "l don't care if they're taking away, I arrived at Nando's first Dan Bond @danbondissafe l asked for a scissor cut, what the bloody hell have you got the clippers out for? Modern Britain. Disqustina.

Joel Golby @joelgolby we're not staying in this so-called hotel, monty, the curtains look cheap Cal Stannard @calwst well no-one told ME we can't say that word anymore. until they make it illegal i'll damn well carry on Jonkanoo Man @PapiGrego don't care if I've soiled myself in this restaurant- i am a paying customer and i won't be spoken to in that manner.

Search Interest

Not available.

External References

Tags: piers mogran, gender, image macro, politics,

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