Trollbait / Nobody is Right | GotFunnyPictures
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Trollbait / Nobody is Right

Added • Updated 2 months ago

Added by DesumThePanda • Updated 2 months ago by mona_jpn
Added by DesumThePanda • Updated 2 months ago by mona_jpn

Trollbait / Nobody is Right
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2008 Origin: DeviantArt Region:
Type: Exploitable,
Tags: image macro, comic, rage, /v/, rustled jimmies, 4chan comic,
Trollbait / Nobody is Right


"Nobody is Right" is an exploitable comic with easy to edit panels. Usually, the whole comic portrays a troll jumping in to say anything that can potentially start a flame war.


Some of the more insightful comics about /v/ are drawn by a Deviant Art user, ~3-angled-blue. One of his most exploitable comics is a 3-panel comic showing how heated arguments are made in September 2008.[1]
He proceeds to post most, if not all, of his comics on Deviant art.

More than a year later, username SantanaDVX of the Strongside of Facepunch Studio Boards redrew a new exploitable comic which, while it shares the same idea, ends with all the infuriated people chasing the troll instead of arguing among themselves.[2]

External References

[1] Nobody is right, everybody is wrong – Deviant Art / 9-16-2008

[2] Troll Bait Fight v2 – Face Punch / 3-15-2010

Tags: image macro, comic, rage, /v/, rustled jimmies, 4chan comic,

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