hkgolden (香港高登討論區) | GotFunnyPictures
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hkgolden (香港高登討論區)

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by macariuschan • Updated about a year ago by macariuschan
Added by macariuschan • Updated about a year ago by macariuschan

hkgolden (香港高登討論區)
Category: Site Status: Submission Year: 2000 Origin: Region:
Tags: hkgolden, hong kong,

Additional References: Wikipedia,
hkgolden (香港高登討論區)


hkgolden(site domain:[1], Chinese: 香港高登討論區), mostly called “golden”(高登), is a popular and the most representative forum in Hong Kong. The message board has over 21 thousand account and approximately 370 thousand person browsing the board per month. 70% of the messaging netizens are male and half of them are aged between 18 and 29. Message boards in the forum are named as “X Channel”. The hkgolden users are commonly called "Brothers"(巴打)


hkgolden was developed by internet user Dr. Jim with some computer experts in January 31, 2000, originally for discussing topics about computer problems. At that time, hkgolden was just an IRC platform as a part of the, a computer info website. The platform was managed by Dr. Jim and computer matters were the major type of topics to be discussed. Just before hkgolden has transformed into an asp forum, the “Blow Water Channel”(吹水台)[2] was established where total random things started to emerge at hkgolden. At the beginning, internet users have to pay in order to use more functions and a faster server. “Supreme Members” can also create groups. In 2003, Dr. Jim suddenly loosened the application requirements for “Senior Members”, in which he allows internet users can pay after the trial. This attracted lots of netizens, who planned to skip the bill after the trial. Moreover, the topics discussed on hkgolden turned more random instead of staying mainly on IT topics. The emerged crowd overloaded the server, and the number of groups was also boosted. At this key moment, Dr. Jim handed hkgolden over to Fevaworks. Originally, an ISP email address is required in hkgolden membership applications. On July 25 2008, hkgolden suddenly cancelled the requirement of an ISP email address. This caused an Eternal September to hkgolden and the Blow Water Channel Channel. The cancellation was undone later. On January 1 2009, hkgolden was handed over to AM&C, after the rule of Fevaworks. Since then, hkgolden became popular and started to appear in the media.

The Clown God

The Clown God is an emoticon that can only be found on hkgolden. The fictitious God symbols the message board, and the “disciples” of Clown God means the active users of hkgolden.

The hkgolden Stars

In hkgolden, the title of "Star" is presented to people (not necessarily hkgolden users) who had made the most achievement in being stupid and ridiculous. The Stars were introduced in 2003, in two types: Star of the Month and Star of the Year. Elections are held on hkgolden in the end of every month and year to produce a choice of the Star.

Music Channel

Music Channel was originally a message board on the forum which is made for discussions about music related news. However, "hkgolden Music Channel"(高登音樂台) has been used as a tag on Youtube, indicating musical parodies created by hkgolden users.

Search Interest

External References

[1] hkgolden forum – Homepage

[2] hkgolden – Blow Water Channel

[3] evchk – hkgolden

[4] Wikipedia – hkgolden

Tags: hkgolden, hong kong,

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