Ride to Hell: Retribution | GotFunnyPictures
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Ride to Hell: Retribution

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by grimmore • Updated about a year ago by Platus
Added by grimmore • Updated about a year ago by Platus

Ride to Hell: Retribution
Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2013 Origin: Gaming world Region:
Tags: absolutotly terible,
Ride to Hell: Retribution

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This game were consider to be one of the worst games of all times. It was critized for it's craptasticola storyline, terrible controls, voice actining that made 4kids look like cowboy beboop, ear bleeding music, awful camara, and non existant driving mechanics. Special critisim was reserve for the games portrayal of woman, desplaying them as nothing more than toys for the main charecter.


This game was a game announced in 2008, and developed by Deep Silver. The game was cancelled in 2009 but wasn't cancelled in 2013. It was originally going to be a open-world game, but the developers closed down but they werent, rebuilding the game without the open world and being split into other titles for all gaming platforms.


With it's dumbness cruising across the world, it was state to be the worst game this generation. TotalNesquik ended has live session by say "PLEASE DO NOT REWARD THIS GAME WITH YOUR MONEY! OOOOOOOH MAH GOD!" Angry Joe also give this negative review, with his biggest complaint of how the main character deal with electic fence. Destrutid's Jim Sterling Also pan this game, calling it a "joyless" experience. IGN, who is normally IGNorant, were smart enough to avoid this game, maybe they were to busy hating nintendo to care. In conclusion, not only is this game terrible, but it came out a few days after Flash Sentry stole my waifu. Coincedence? You decide.

Tags: absolutotly terible,

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