Really Makes You Think | GotFunnyPictures
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Really Makes You Think

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Redpilled_Retribution • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet
Added by Redpilled_Retribution • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet

Really Makes You Think
Category: Meme Status: Confirmed Year: 2016 Origin: Region:
Tags: /pol/, politics, shitpost, bait,
Really Makes You Think


Really makes you think… is a phrase often used as a joking way to mock shallow artwork, ideas, and conspiracy theories that attempt to be profound. It grew as a popular phrase in bait threads on 4chan's /pol/ to mock liberal memes and talking points during the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Although its posted mostly on /pol/, its also seen being used often on /tv/, /k/, /r9k/ and [s4s].


"Really makes you think!" is sincerely used in response to something the speaker finds particularly profound,[1] though is often used humorously to point out silly or obvious ideas, such as the one portrayed in the below image posted to /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep with the caption "Wow…Really makes you think."[2]

One of the deepest pics I've ever seen mment


One of the earliest known uses of "really makes you think" on /pol/ came on April 21st, 2016,[3] as a comment accompanying the political cartoon, shown below.



Starting around the end of May 2016,[4][5] many threads began getting posted to /pol/ with a variation on the title "Really makes you think." In the coming months, commenters filled /pol/ with threads captioned "Really makes you think" and "/pol/ BTFO! " After a few months, both phrases were appropriated by /pol/ posters as a means to make fun of left-wing memes and talking points. Often, a video of Bart Simpson saying "Really Makes You Think" would be posted in these threads. The comments section of the video, shown below, is filled with members of /pol/ talking about the election and mocking liberals.

Various Examples

(Note: Examples are images from threads captioned "Really Makes You Think")

The picture @CNN don't want you to see AGAIN REALLY MAKES YOU THINK. EN THAT 3AMCALL COMES TO PRES.TRUMP CHOULDN'T YOU ANSWER THAT? NOT NOW M TWEETING A PHOTO OF PUTIN'S TAT GIRLFRIEND. RING! 2016 Why is the Catholic church trying to destroy our country? Pope Francis brands rejection of migrants 'an act of war http:l/ brands-rejection-of-migrants-an-act-of-war-10448215.html Pope expected to challenge Congress on immigration Erin Kelly, USA TODAY 2:21 p.m. EDT August 25, 2015 Christians 'more likely to be f406 y216 in 8-65- leftwing' and have liberal views WASHINGTON- In the trst-ever papal address to on immigration and equality CONNECT TWEET LINKEDIN COMMENT EMAIL MORE By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Congress next month, Pope Francis is expected to exhort lawmakers to open America's doors to struggling immigrants rather than build bigger fences to keep them out PUBLISHED: 07:31 EST, 8 April 2012 UPDATED: 07:32 EST, 8 April 2012 157 Share (Photo: APNatican) View comment POPE FRANCIS ENCOURAGES ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INTO US Says those opposed to illegal immigration should seek God's forgiveness People who believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study The research, carried out by thinktank Demos, rubbishes the assumption that faith groups tend to be more conservative Instead it argues that people with faith are more likely to take centre-left positions on issues including immigration and equality Pope Francis: End the racist and xenophobic' approach t migrants along U.S.-Mexico border Image eits: Jettrey Wimedtia (ommon Pope Francis calls on Europe to be more accepting of immigrants Regional Distribution of Catholics, 1910 and 2010 Percentage of all Catholies that live in each region as o... 1910 2010 North Sub-Saharan Amerlca Sub-Saharan 5% Africa <1% ca 16% 171480,000 Asla-Paclfic 12% 130,520,000 15,150,000 1,220,000 Middle East- North Africa Asia-Pacific 5% 13,880,000 North America 8% 88,550,000 1,440,000 Latin America- Caribbean 24% 70,650,000 uro 24% 257,160,000 Europe 65% 188,960,000 Latin America- Caribbe arn 39% 425,490,000 Middle East- North Africa 5,600,000 Figures for 1910 are from Pew Re search Center analysis of data from the Word Christian Database. Peroentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. Pew Research Center Because Christianity is no longer white. The church is willing to destroy our country just to get a few more converts IFYOU NEED SUNSCREEN TO GO,OUTSIDE YOU WERE NEVER DESIGNED TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET image.jpg 225 KB JPG Anonymous (ID: 6vNzPbGh 08/12/16(Fri)14:50:45 No.85103592 If you need welfare to eat, you were never designed to live on this planet. 285103837# 2285104120# 85104417# 85111476 # 2285113016# >>85113452 # Anonymous (ID: aFhxHDYO)し! Trump and Clinton 05/31/16(Tue)07:19:53 No.75640366 Sans titre.jpg 92 KB JPG Trump and Bill Clinton are both 69 years old Really makes you think. Anonymous (ID: QNuWLOaz 05/31/16(Tue)07:21:16 No.75640445 That's it. I am now a #ClitForClinton Anonymous (ID: 7dVb7Zft) II 05/31/16(Tue)07:25:46 No.75640679 That's why I'm a #CruzMissile

Search Interest

External References

[1] Trip Advisor – Really Makes You Think

[2] /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep – Wow… really makes you think…

[3] – really makes you think

[4] Archive 4plebs – Hmmm.. really makes you think

[5] Archive 4plebs – Damn… really makes you think

Tags: /pol/, politics, shitpost, bait,

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