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Jim Stephanie Sterling

Added • Updated 2 months ago

Added by in the hoppip over the sea • Updated 2 months ago by Autumn Able
Added by in the hoppip over the sea • Updated 2 months ago by Autumn Able

Jim Stephanie Sterling
Category: Person Status: Submission Year: 1984 Origin: United Kingdom Region:
Tags: jim, sterling, destructoid, video games, reviews, animal, reviewer, jonathan holmes, conrad zimmerman, hamza aziz, tara long, max scoville,
Jim Stephanie Sterling


Jim Stephanie Sterling (born on the 1st of January, 1984) is freelance videogame reviewer, host of the show, The Jimquisition, and the reviews editor for the popular gaming website Destructoid [1]. They are well known for their non-conforming opinions and strong morals which sometimes provokes an argumentative behavior in others resulting in a sizablehatedom . In 2020,

The Jimquisition

the scapist presents ImaUISITIO

The Jimquisition is a web-series starring Jim Stephanie Sterling as their comments on a subject related to gaming or the video-game industry. Jim Stephanie uses the persona of a self-centered arrogant man with the statement "Thank god for me!" being used in many of the episodes however the points they makes are their own honest opinions.

The series originally started on YouTube being uploaded by Destructoid's official channel [2]. The YouTube series lasted 27 episodes beginning on the 21st of October, 2010 and ending on the 13th of January, 2011 [3].

The series resumed on the 18th of April, 2011 now being hosted exclusively on the video-game media magazine, The Escapist [4] with a weekly episode every Monday. The series has 35 episodes as of the 26th of December, 2011 on the Escapist [5].

Reddit Mario Kart / Modern Warfare 3 Thread

On the 9th of November, 2011 Jim Stephanie reviewed the popular first-person shooter video-game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. They gave the game 9.5 / 10 , saying that the game "treads familiar ground and focuses on tweaking rather than reinventing, and that's just fine." [6]

20 days later on the 29th of November, Jim Stephanie reviewed Mario Kart 7. They gave the game a 5 / 10 claiming the game "is as derivative as a game can get, and while we pour scorn on so many other games for rehashing themselves, something tells me this will get a free pass from many critics and gamers." [7]

On the same day, a reddit thread reached the front page of the r/gaming subreddit with 1326 upvotes and 1898 comments as of the 30th of December, 2011. The thread, named "Scumbag Jim Sterling" in comparison to Scumbag Steve contained an advice animal image macro of Jim Stephanie citing him as being a hypocrite by pointing our how they gave Mario Kart 7 a 5 for lack of originality but had given Modern Warfare 3 a 9.5 [8].


Jim Stephanie has since stood by their review scores saying that Modern Warfare 3 was a refinement that was only the 3rd in the Modern Warfare series whilst Mario Kart 7 despite being the 7th in the series had returned back to basics with even less content that the previous games while Jim Stephanie believing that the series needed to change.


Jim Stepanie Sterling is also the host of the Destructoid videogame podcast Podtoid. Podtoid usually consists of himself, Jonathan Holmes, Conrad Zimmerman and Hamza Aziz, formerly including Tara Long and Max Scoville . It usually runs for about 2 hours and consists of segments such as "Is this Pedophilia or Not?" and "Willem Dafoe Movie Pitches".

External References

[1] Destructoid

[2] Youtube Channel – DTOID

[3] Youtube Playlist – The Jimquistion

[4] The Escapist Magazine

[5] Escapist Magazine – Jimquisition

[6] Destructoid – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 review

[7] Destructoid – Mario Kart 7 review

[8] reddit – Scumbag Jim Sterling

Tags: jim, sterling, destructoid, video games, reviews, animal, reviewer, jonathan holmes, conrad zimmerman, hamza aziz, tara long, max scoville,

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