La luz extinguido | GotFunnyPictures
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La luz extinguido

Added • Updated 7 months ago

Added by Nichou • Updated 7 months ago by Twist
Added by Nichou • Updated 7 months ago by Twist

La luz extinguido
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2017 Origin: /int/ Region:
Type: Character,
Tags: la luz extinguido, le 56% face, amerimutt,
La luz extinguido
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“La luz extinguido”, or The Extinct Light in english, is a kind of extreme level of "le 56% face" meme. This meme is mostly used to trigger americans in 4chan's /pol/ and /int/ borders, referring to users who call they self's as “white american” or a race mixed guy as “La luz extinguido” or “Le 0% face”.


First appears of “La luz extinguido”

In the first time when the meme appears on /int/ it's name weren’t “La luz extinguido” but “Le 0% face” when an american user said to stop atacking white americans in a commun thread in the same board. The guy was quoted with a sarcatic answer saying “can’t attack what doesn’t exist” and this was quoted with a green text “>We exist” and an image that named the new meme as “Le 0% face”.

In a few days “Le 0% face” becomes a popular image of many others (x)% face images, been used in /int/ and /pol/. After sixteen days, a guy called “Pedro del Pino” posted a video called “war of the mutts” in his youtube channel that “Le 0% face” also appears.

La luz extinguido

Finally, after a month, an annonymous user create a thread on /mlp/ about confederates americans and things about My Little Pony, then in the same thread, an user posted an image that “Le 0% face” appears as “La luz extinguido”.

Tags: la luz extinguido, le 56% face, amerimutt,

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