Jaffa Cakes | GotFunnyPictures
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Jaffa Cakes

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Pokeheart65 • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet
Added by Pokeheart65 • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet

Jaffa Cakes
Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2010 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: bluexephos, honeydew, jaffa cakes, uk, ireland, chocolate, jelly, yogscast,

Additional References: Urban Dictionary, Wikipedia,
Jaffa Cakes

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Jaffa Cakes are snacks that are very, very popular in the UK and Ireland, made out of chocolate and orange jelly.
One of the members of the yogscast, a popular YouTube group that makes Minecraft videos, Honeydew (Simon), has a large love for Jaffa Cakes, saying he developed it after his mom got sick of breast-feeding him and fed him Jaffa Cake smoothies. He eats a packet every day. Because of this, many Yognughts (Fans of Simon) have created fan art of Simon and Jaffa Cakes.

Tags: bluexephos, honeydew, jaffa cakes, uk, ireland, chocolate, jelly, yogscast,

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