Yahoo Buys Tumblr | GotFunnyPictures
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Yahoo Buys Tumblr

Added • Updated 3 months ago

Added by professorcheese • Updated 3 months ago by Brad
Added by professorcheese • Updated 3 months ago by Brad

Yahoo Buys Tumblr
Category: Event Status: Submission Year: 2013 Origin: yahoo, tumblr, acquisition, business, Region:
Tags: yahoo, tumblr,
Yahoo Buys Tumblr



On May 16th, 2013, the tech news site AllThingsD[1] reported that Yahoo! may be seeking to acquire Tumblr for as high as $1 billion, citing multiple anonymous sources that are close to the situation. Later that same day, the rumor was picked up by AdWeek[13], Forbes[3] and The Atlantic.[14] By early afternoon on May 19th, AllThingsD[5], The Wall Street Journal[18] and many other tech-related news blogs reported that the boards of both companies had approved the deal for $1.1 billion in cash, followed by their official announcement via Tumblr on May 20th.

Notable Developments

Online Reactions

Most news reports and blog commentaries[4][5][6][9] interpreted Yahoo's latest acquisition as a strategic maneuver to expand its appeal to younger and hip demographics while dispelling its corporate image as the web giant of the dot-com era. Meanwhile, the news of the deal almost immediately spawned negative reactions and grievances from users on Tumblr, where many were quick to express their disappointment at what they perceived as an unlikely pairing and a "sell-out" deal for the microblogging service.

acle kylebroflovsky 10,379 akkine makkin Oh my god this is giving me flashbacks to when Disney announced it was buying club penguin and there was a literal actual penguin protest in front of the clothes shop for like 4 hours straight I love society A QUEST 0 NO DISNEY ST NO DISNEY s hola 0 ro anwiesne IS Source: makkine thegoldenmicrowave 69,873 kana vagoddessofsass+ mi If yahoo does end up buying tumblr and shuts it down l just wanted everyone to know that you've all been truly wonderful people and it was an honor blogging with you all Source: f--- youtomhidd heir-o-life blindidiotgod 2,484 circumcisions frickyeah1990s this is what it feels like after hearing yahoo is buying tumblr. haha yeah a tragic event in history resulting in the death of over a thousand people is the exact same as a website being bought, literally same thing, yeah wow, great comparison Source: frickyeah1990s
i know everyones freaking out about yahoo buying tumblr but maybe just maybe its the beggining of something TO is |reblog the creator that just sold us why David WHY ICAN'T BELIEVE THAT I USED TO CALL U MY FATHER u fukin let us down david HES THE NEW COLE SPROUSE Sometimes I'm ashamed of this website..._ ronaldknOx i came out of the ocean because you need to stob jewsephfroman+ 35 Il your dreams will come true. #Tumblr #David Karp #Snow White #i just get so bored

On May 19th, BuzzFeed compiled the highlights of Tumblr users' reactions in an article titled "No One's Happy That Yahoo is Going to Buy Tumblr."[8]

tumblr. ruinedchildhood tumblr tu USICABAND youdo How doyou do,fellow kids? tumblr. For all darnjty ruinedchildhood
tumblr YAHOO Fine. Don't be my friends.. I'll buyinew friends BLR TEARS YAHOO!


As early as on May 17th, an anonymous user created an iPetition page[19] titled "Stop Yahoo! from buying Tumblr," urging its readers to sign the petition and stand against Yahoo's acquisition of the microblogging service. In the following 72 hours, the petition accumulated more than 168,000 signatures, though it remains unexplained as to how or whether petitioning will have any impact on the deal.

Stop Yahoo! From Buying Tumblr Sign Blog Signatures Email friends Like 229|寻Send +1 77 168,528 Goal: 5,000,000 signatures The Petition 2 Sponsor Stop Yahoo! from buying Tumblr!! If this happens, the entire interface will be changed, and millions of users will delete their accounts -me being one of them. Please, please, please sign this to stop this!! (No Sponsor Information)

Fake Company Accounts


External References

Tags: yahoo, tumblr,

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