Epic Rap Battles Of History Barack Obama Remixes | GotFunnyPictures
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Epic Rap Battles Of History Barack Obama Remixes

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Viceroy of Monte Cristo • Updated about a year ago by Y F
Added by Viceroy of Monte Cristo • Updated about a year ago by Y F

Epic Rap Battles Of History Barack Obama Remixes
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2019 Origin: Youtube Region:
Type: Exploitable,
Tags: epic rap battles of history, barack obama, ytpmv,
Epic Rap Battles Of History Barack Obama Remixes


Epic Rap Battles Of History Barack Obama Remixes are a parody and remix series based on the intro scene to an Epic Rap Battles Of History episode, which is used as a source in YouTube Poop Music Videos.


On October 15, 2012, YouTube channel Epic Rap Battles Of History uploaded the video "Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney" as a precursor to the 2012 United States Presidential Election between the two candidates.


The first YTPMV to utilize this source was created by Youtuber DukeOnkledNukem on October 20, 2017. The video, titled "What I Thing of YTPMV Today", uses the source in a remix of the song "Acid Hues" from Splatoon 2.

The usage of this source began to quickly spread at the beginning of 2020, starting with Youtuber SantiOkuu creating the video "Let the Epic Rap Battles Begin!", remixing the Battle Theme from Final Fantasy VII.

Directly after this on January 1, 2020, Youtuber cake created the video "obama ytpmv 2020", which remixed the song "Heartbeat, Heartbreak" from the video game Persona 4.

Various Examples

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Tags: epic rap battles of history, barack obama, ytpmv,

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