Complete your homework, Chillin | GotFunnyPictures
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Complete your homework, Chillin

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by humdrummer • Updated about a year ago by Trick Lobo
Added by humdrummer • Updated about a year ago by Trick Lobo

Complete your homework, Chillin
Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2011 Origin: /x/ and /po/ Region:
Tags: cathphrase, black, funny, cool, 4chan, homework, chillen, children,
Complete your homework, Chillin

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This meme comes from an image of a black lady wearing a turquoise necklace. She resembles what someone may take for a teacher, and becasue of that, kindly reminds people that they should stop what they are doing and complete their homework. She also has very mysterious eyes.

Tags: cathphrase, black, funny, cool, 4chan, homework, chillen, children,

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